Hunan Automotive Engineering Vocational College Admissions for international students in 2023
湖南汽车工程职业学院,位于中国工业新城的湖南省株洲市,距离湖南省省会长沙市市大约30公里,距离长沙黄花国际机场40公里。我院主 要开办3年制专科学历教育,目前在校学生21000余名。我院是国家“双高计划”建设单位和国家优质专科高等职业院校。(了解更多详情请访问学院官方网站:https://www.hnqczy.com)
HAEVC Profile
Hunan Automotive Engineering Vocational College, located in Zhuzhou City(China Industrial City), Hunan Province, about 30 km from Changsha City, the capital of Hunan Province, and 40 km from Changsha Huanghua International Airport, mainly offers 3-year vocational education, and its full-time student enrollment amounts to 21,000. Our college is a national "Double High-levels Plan" construction unit and a national high-quality vocational college.(For more details, please visit the College website:https://www.hnqczy.com)
1.申请人为非中国籍公民,身体健康,无犯罪记录; 2.申请人须具有高中毕业学历,成绩优秀,年龄不超过26周岁。
Application Eligibility
1.The applicant is a non-Chinese citizen with good health and no criminal record. 2.The applicant, no more than 26 years old, must hold a high school diploma with excellent academic performance.
1.秋季入学(9月):5月20日至8月1日 2.春季入学(2月):9月10日至12月10日
Application Period
1.Application for fall semester (September) : from May.20th to Aug.1st 2.Application for Spring semester (February) : from Sept.10th to Dec.10th
1.护照身份信息页 2.近六个月的2寸证件照 3.最高学历证书 4.最高学历阶段完整成绩单 5.无犯罪记录证明 6.经济担保函 7.外国人体格检查记录
Application Documents (Online Submission)
1. Copy of national passport personal information page 2. A passport size ID photo within the last six months 3. Highest education certificate 4. Highest full academic transcripts 5. Certificate of no criminal record 6. Financial guarantee letter 7. Physical examination report
1.注册并登陆湖南汽车工程职业学院在线申请系统,完成申请(申请网址:https://docs.qq.com/form/page/DTWJQb3lXQk5Zdkxl ); 或者可扫描二维码填写:
2.按照要求在线提交申请材料; 3.湖南汽车工程职业学院将向合格的申请者发放录取通知书和《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW202表)。 申请者持普通护照、《录取通知书》《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》前往中国驻外使(领)馆办理入境学习(X1)签证。
Application Procedures
1.Register and log in online application system: https://docs.qq.com/form/page/DTWJQb3lXQk5Zdkxl
Or you can use Wechat to scan the QR code
2.Submit required application documents online. 3.If you are qualified, you will receive a letter of admission and JW202 form. You need take your passport, a letter of admission, JW202 form to the Chinese embassy (consulate) abroad to apply for the study (X1) visa.
Enrollment Programs
Program:Higher vocational education. Our college provides higher vocational education with a 3-year academic duration (including Chinese language courses: Chinese listening, speaking, reading, writing, Chinese culture). Graduation Certificate of higher education recognized by the Chinese government will be awarded if student’s academic grade meets the requirement. If you are willing to further study, the college can recommend you to study at a higher level institution.
1.注册费:200元RMB/学年 2.学 费:5060元RMB/学年 3.住宿费:1200元RMB/学年(4-6人间) 4.课本费:600元RMB/学年 5.保险费:800元RMB/学年 6.学校设有层次丰富、覆盖面广的国际学生奖学金及助学金。
Registration fee: 200 RMB/ per year Tuition fee: 5060 RMB/ per year Accommodation fee: 1200RMB/ per year (4-6 people /per dormitory) Textbook fee: 600RMB/ per year Insurance: 800RMB/ per year The college offers a wide range of scholarships and grants for international students.
1.按《录取通知书》规定时间前往湖南汽车工程职业学院报到,未经批准而逾期不报到者,视为放弃入学资格。 2.报到时须提供护照原件、JW表原件、录取通知书原件、高中毕业证书原件及公证文件、高中成绩单、《外国人体格检查记录》原件、无犯罪记录证明。 注:上述所有材料均须为英文或中文版,非中文或英文材料必须附上经公证的英文或中文翻译件。 不能提供者或原件与申请时提供的扫描件信息不一致者,将被取消入学资格。
1. You should come to college on time according to a letter of admission. Overdue registration without approval will be regarded as giving up the admission qualification.
2. When registering at HAEVC, admitted students should provide all original materials, including passport, JW202 form, a letter of admission, highest education certificate, highest academic transcripts, physical examination report and certificate of no criminal record. Note: All the original application material should be in Chinese or English, notarized translations in Chinese or English are required for non-Chinese and non-English materials.
If applicants fail to provide the above documents or the documents are found to be falsified, the admission will be considered invalid.
湖南汽车工程职业学院国际教育学院 地址:中国湖南省株洲市云龙示范区智慧路79号 邮编:412001 电话:86-15273005392 邮箱:HAEVCinternational@163.com 学校官网:https://www.hnqczy.com 国际教育学院官网:http://xqhz.hnqczy.com/gjjl/
College of International Education, Hunan Automotive Engineering Vocational College.
Address: No. 79, Wisdom Road, Yunlong Demonstration District, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, P.R. China.
Zip Code: 412001 Tel: (+86) 15273005392 E-mail: HEAVCinternational@163.com Official website of HEAVC : https://www.hnqczy.com/ Official website of College of International Education: http://xqhz.hnqczy.com/gjjl/
If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English interpretations of the above content, the Chinese interpretation shall prevail.